Web Release and Post-Mortem (hah)



I said I was gonna post a post-mortem AFTER the jam was over, but considering how busy I was at work today and see no signs of it calming down... I don't think I'd have time tomorrow either, so I think I'll just make the post right now. Sorry for being wishy-washy!

But yes, originally, I wasn't sure about participating in this year's O2A2 but man I just really needed to release all this creative buzz I've been getting in my brain but could not settle properly on what to make... So I ended up with a visual novel. That, and my friend Aca always makes it so enticing to join these events X')

Anyways, I wasn't even sure what to make in the first place when I first brainstormed the idea. The only things I've been super into lately are yandere-themed VNs (14 Days With You, Mushroom Oasis, The Kid at The Back, Darling Duality, etc) , and I mostly talked about yanderes whenever I get on voice chat with my friends. It's a revival of an old hyperfixation of mine... And I wanted to indulge myself since I was too busy to complete Yandere VN Jam due to my big move... 

Eventually the following dialogue popped into my head:

"Isn't it a lovely evening for a walk? The city was adorned with beautiful lights. It's such a wonderful night... We should make the most of it and dance on this bridge.

It's such a shame our time is coming to an end.

Soon your heartbeat will finally stop.

... Say, have I ever told you red looks amazing on you?"

I thought it was neat, so I wanted to build on that concept. A few songs came in mind while I typed it down:

  • Sound Horizon - Stardust
  • DATEKEN (Dongdang ver.) - Honeymoon Un Deux Trois
  • ALIEN STAGE - Ruler of My Heart

I hope that whoever is reading this will check out these songs and let me know what you think! I hoped that I was able to capture the vibe well ^^

So with that in mind, let me talk about our local loverboy...


Back when I was about maybe 14-15-ish, I used to wish I'd have a yandere boyfriend. And playing all these yandere VNs the past two months or so reminded me of him...

Old art from 2013:

Now, isn't he just adorable?

However as a 27 year old man now, I would say my taste has slightly changed as a person. I become more interested in men that exudes twink babygirl-ism. So naturally, I had to tweak his looks.

See, that's much fluffier. I like twinky, fluffy men.

Neither he from back then nor now have a name yet, so I will continue to call him "Lover" or perhaps "loverboy" for the time being.

Anyways, all that juicy development stuff aside, I'm sure some of you are wondering:

Mikaru, does this game have an MC?

Mikaru, did we/the MC really... you know...?

Mikaru, why? Who? What? When? Where? How?

And to that, a great man, Revo from Sound Horizon, once said... 'All interpretations are valid'.

I mean, I know what I have going on in my head... But you can make up your own stuff! Heck, if you don't accept this and wanted another ending, well, you can make that one up too! But what I have written and shared with you all is what has happened.

For now I bid you all adieau. Until next time!


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64 days ago

Get A Night Like This

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